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Aspiring Young Golfers, Take No Notice Of.....

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10ClarionSt | 08:08 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Sport
25 Answers

....people like Ken Brown. The most negative golfer you will ever meet. Why the BBC pay money to this useless loser is beyond me. Never won anything of note; scraped into a few Ryder Cup teams and only ever turned up because he was a getting appearance money on the back of his Ryder Cup appearances. In one tournament, after 5 holes, his caddy threw his clubs on the floor and quit saying he wasn't even trying. Brown then asked if any spectator would carry his clubs for him. It's time for the hammer and tack.



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This is interesting, destroying the myth golf is for the privelaged only.

Still what do I know? 

10C. Sorry you won't be popping in for a game. The courses are along the beautiful Neckar River. The nine-hole goes downstream and alongside of it. The eighteen, upstream and in several places crosses it - always a bit daunting over water as you will know.

Both number 1 tees are within a 5 minute walk from my house, but nowadays I mostly settle for the 9 hole. 

The clubhouse, restaurant and bar are only 3 minutes from my house, just over the bridge.

If you change your mind, just ask for the Englishman. 🙂  

Tut Tut, you posh boys! 🏌️‍♀️

Where do you keep your Polo Ponies? 🏇

10.52 what's yr handicap ttt?

Or are you a crazy golf man? Lol

Don't play, too posh for me. I did dabble in my younger years but found it frustrating and dull. My best hole was the 19th, never got a handicap.

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