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Laser Beam Weapons

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Khandro | 17:13 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

These were common enough, though not called Laser beams,  when I read about them in comics when I was a boy - Dan Dare etc in the Eagle, and now they are here for real.



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Less than the price of a cup of tea per shot however when costs to develop the weapon are factored in it's about a billion a go.

A spokesman for Raytheon said "Tea? Don't you know about the party in Boston?"

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I think they were then called 'death rays'. We eight year olds took them very seriously.

Aieeee! etc.

old hat....


Pew pew

The speed missiles move it'd also need the ability to predict where it must be by the time the electronics have triggered it exists. Blink and it'll be already over the horizon.

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