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My Sons Mother In Law

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nailedit | 20:41 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
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My sons partners mother (basically mother in law) died yesterday. She was only 51.

They all went on holiday together to Spain 2 month ago while she was relativly well (inc. my grandaughter)

Cant wrap my head around why some people die so young?  no one ever said that life was going to be fair.




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Life is random..... Neither fair, not unfair.   So many hate what life has been, is or will be,  and some seem to live barely touched by sadness.   All we can do is live trying to be kind where we can, or at least trying to avoid being actively unkind.  Seems to ameliorate some of the worst stuff,  maybe because  you are more likely to have people to call on, or who will help you get through it when it happens.

All I know for sure is if you keep going.... You will come to the end... And in that time you will share your path for a while with others, some you will lose too soon, others you will sigh with relief when they go in another direction.  I think we need to try to be someone who will be missed.

And as an aside,  your sons family will need you more now, don't let the responsibility carry you further down, you can do it,   


My sympathy nailedit. This last week has been a stinker here too, first of all my son's father in law 62, fit as a fiddle, blood clot in heart, in hospital awaiting bypass as heart damaged, brother in law 56 sudden heart attack, sadly didn't make it, neighbour's sister 71 heart attack too, succumbed. Life is so fickle. Hope you're coping well. 

If there is no God, then the Universe is just utterly indifferent and uncaring to the fate of your mother-in-law and indeed to all of us. I dont buy this argument.

If there is a God it doesnt mean we will get an answer to every tragedy that happes on earth, but it does mean that one day, goodness and justice will prevail in the Universe

fiveleaves - Like all fervents, you offer your hope as though it is a fact.

It's not, it's what you hope, and is more likely, or less likely, than any other view than yours.

Sadly, your ego insists that you and only people who think like you, are right.

Fortuneatly, you remain in a tiny minority, even though you make a lot of noise.

Fiveleaves, the universe is indifferent.  It can't be otherwise.  It has no thought, no feeling, no emotion.  It's comforting to think otherwise but when we lose people to illness who are too young to die we must concede that nature is nature and nothing else. 

Andy Hughes, fiveleaves isn't among a tiny minority.  He's among the majority.  Some 85% of the world's population  identify with a religion.

nailedit, my sincere condolences to you & your family.  51 is no age at all.  Be there for your son if he needs you, even if it's just to be someone for him to shout at about it all.

naomi - // Andy Hughes, fiveleaves isn't among a tiny minority.  He's among the majority.  Some 85% of the world's population  identify with a religion. //

Please permit me to clarify - the peculiar and deeply troubling branch of Christianity that fiveleaves peddles as the only one that matters (obviously!) is a tiny minority, and we should all be grateful for that.

I have no problem with people looking to a 'higher power' for comfort, but the endless sanctimonious condemnation of fiveleaves on here speaks for, and to, a tiny number of people, none of whom seem to post regularly on here, and again, we must be grateful for that.

Andy Hughes, I don't know which branch of Christianity fiveleaves  follows - do you?  Whatever it is though by all means argue the doctrine but you shouldn't be attacking him on a personal level.


Losing people young really is the hardest thing to bear, naildit.  I'm sincerely sorry for your family's loss.

Andy - Please stop calling me a fervent, I am a Christian not part of some lunatic fringe.

All I have stated on this thread is an orthodox, mainstream Christian position, probably held by thousands of vicars speaking today in this country.

Atheism is still a minority position in this country

There are probably a lot of people on here who dont necessary post much, but respect my position

My condolences your DIL and the wider family...and of course to you. 51 and suddenly is a shock to all. I don't think religion enters the equation.

A nephew on my exs side passed away from acute leukaemia several years ago...only 2-3 weeks between feeling unwell and passing. Only 36 years old. People who are religious might blame God or other forces...others know there's no sense in that.

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Some sad stories been shared on this thread.

Life is SO random...

It is Naildit.  No rhyme nor reason.  We can only do our best - and you will.  You'll be there for your family. X

Unsure about a religious comment; but from a spiritual point of view, think of it as they came here, have achieved what they'd intended to, and have now returned back to where we all come from.


Seeing this physical plane as a temporarily visited zone allows one to realise that what would seem disastrous here, would be viewed differently by anyone with a broader view of reality. In this case it would simply be a return home.

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