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Bubble Wrap Protocol.

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flobadob | 21:41 Sun 20th Apr 2014 | How it Works
26 Answers
See the way with bubble wrap there is a flat side and a side with the bubbles protruding? If you age packing a box using said bible wrap, do the bubbles face the box or do the bubbles face the protected items? Or does it matter?


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The way I would view it stewey is that the bubbles themselves are more prone to damage from the bubble side than the flat side, therefore if you face them toward the packaging they may rub against and burst and all you are left with is a non protective piece of plastic rap.
You could always contact the Sealed Air Corporation, who invented the stuff...
would bible wrap provide some sort of divine protection?
not if you are packing unglazed paintings. they should have bubbles outside as they can mark the surface of the painting.

When packing a box using bubble wrap, make sure the bubbles face the protected items. This way, the bubbles can absorb shock and provide better cushioning for your items. At Britwrap, we always recommend this method to ensure your items stay safe during transit.

When packing a box using bubble wrap, make sure the bubbles face the protected items. This way, the bubbles can absorb shock and provide better cushioning for your items. At Britwrap, we always recommend this method to ensure your items stay safe during transit.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our team. We’re here to help!






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