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JinnyJoan | 22:14 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
25 Answers

I am interested in a pair of brand new shoes in ebay at 3 times less than the ordinary price.  I put them in the basket awaiting an answer would the seller take a return if they don't fit.  

I am just after noticing about a minute ago - no seller wont accept returns.  Is that fair and also would you take a chance and buy them anyway.  



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I took another look after Pete's post and noticed that the right shoe is stretched. The previous owner had a swollen right foot.  I imagine they walked with a limp heavy on the right. 
In hindsight I would avoid them.

I agree, Maydup, I don't believe they are new.

Have you made an offer for the shoes, yet, JinnyJoan?

JinnyJoan, what's the latest on the shoes?

Have you contacted the seller?

The shoes do not look "brand new" to me.

Ah well, no answer!

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