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Looking For Befrienders For Elderly Dementia Person

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Barquentine | 12:05 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
10 Answers

Anybody know how to look for people who can spend a few hours each day with an elderly person keeping them occupied with games, activities and talking? No carer responsibilities as such - just being good at keeping them engaged. I'm not sure where to search for such a service - and independent, self-employed individuals will be preferable.



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Try Age uk. They might be able to help.

Helping Hands is another organisation that offer this service.

I can recommend Helping Hands - not the cheapest but very good at meeting your needs.

Adult social care has links to agencies who provide these type of support workers and depending on income of person will only ask for contribution as they will pay majority. They will assess how many hours a week is needed. 

My autistic son gets  support worker 6 hours a week and it to do activities indoors or outdoors etc - nothing to do with needing personal care.

A local hospice might have a scheme for this sort of thing. It was offered to my mum before she went in there permanently. 

Locally you could ask places like Community Centres, village halls and churches.  Often they have unofficial 'visitors' for the isolated for various reasons.

My GP practice has a "Social Prescriber" who deals with things like this - maybe your surgery has one too.

We are very fortunate to have regular and reliable support from the church but we are regular attendees.

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