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Accountant Or Just Someone To Prepair My Accounts For Taxman?

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RATTER15 | 09:16 Mon 08th Feb 2021 | Business
22 Answers
I use QuickBooks for all of my accounts, my business is fairly straight forward, but I am adding a new business soon. Being severely dyslexic and dyscalculic I struggle with accounts, even with QuickBooks. I do use an accountant but I am thinking that as my accounts are very straight forward, maybe I should get shot of my accountant and just get assistance with preparing my accounts privately, I see there are people advertising to do this. What do you think?


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Auntpolly, I get it, your daughter is dyslexic!! now move on, Jeesh!!! How rude :-)
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Accountant Or Just Someone To Prepair My Accounts For Taxman?

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