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Cleaning Element At The Top Of Microwave Combi Oven

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barry1010 | 15:27 Sat 03rd Sep 2022 | Home & Garden
8 Answers
As my main oven is totally self cleaning I have no idea how to clean the element if I use my small combi for roasting or grilling.
As always advice appreciated


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And of course the roof of the oven
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thanks, bookbinder, that's the method I use to clean it, but it doesn't work on the element or the crud on the roof behind the element.

My old standard microwave cleaned brilliantly using white vinegar and lemon in a bowl of a water
If it is bad you could try Oven spray cleaner. But it does pong a bit when you switch the element back on. Unplug beforehand . When I used to fix those infernal things the elements on some makes would clip out and allow easier access to the top of the cavity for cleaning purposes. I would warm up the element and oven first. Use the Oven Spray. Leave for the recommended time say 10 mins. Then wipe with a damp soft cloth. You may want the doors open or even take the microwave outside because it does cause a nasty smell. You cannot hurt the oven cavity, (unless it is plastic, unlikely with a grill mounted) as I would think it is stainless steel or enamelled metal.
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Thanks, Togo, it's a useful machine and I want to use it fully especially because it is much cheaper to run than my huge oven.
Sadly the element can't come out and if I turn the grill on it smokes very badly if it is splat fattered.
I just use a jug of water and fairy liquid. Turn it on (depends on the amount of water) for minutes and steam does reach the top.
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As I said, JJ, that worked brilliantly on my old standard microwave but doesn't get the greasy crud off the grill element nor the roof.
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Cleaning Element At The Top Of Microwave Combi Oven

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