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1ozzy | 06:32 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

.. bananas because they have no bones!

Also because they're a healthy food and easy to peel.

What easy to prepare and eat food do you like?



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Particularly ones with a loose fitting peel that almost falls off.

Apples.  I'm not a toothless feeble chap who can't fight my way out of a rice pudding.

I'm a tough guy who can conquer an apple and peel and orange

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I like apples, plums and oranges, but mandarins are sweet, juicy and easy to peel.

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Also full of vitamins. 

In saying that I also like bacon, fatty unhealthy stuff that clogs arteries. 


Bananas also have the advantage of being a good ingedient in cakes if they have been left to go soft 

I make a banana tea loaf a lot, get the over ripe bananas for 10p a big bag from my local greengrocer.  I batch cook them, they freeze very well.

Pot Noodle

Beans.  Add some pepper and a dash of hot sauce , heat and pour onto two slices of wholemeal toast.

Anything from Greggs.

Loads of things. Scotch eggs and pork pies come to mind. Bowl of ice cream deserves a mention.


Particularly ones with a loose fitting peel that almost falls off.//

I always find that if the peel is loose fitting and very spongy on citrus fruits  then the inner  is always sweet ( apart from grapefruit )


Cheese, with or without other stuff.

Full English in cafe, no preparation or dishes for me and find it very easy to eat.

Bananas, Rachel's Creamy Rice Puddings!

Cherries for me. They come with a natural handle and I can think of people I don't like while I spit the pips into the bin

Love mandarins friend keeps me stocked up from her tree ....and they beat the shop stuff hands down ....trouble is, just stopping at one - so I don't !!

A big bag of posh prawn cocktail crisps.

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