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Anyone Had Experience Of Tens Machines?

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sandyRoe | 19:56 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
20 Answers

I see a physio next week and was wondering if if I should ask her if one would help with hip pain.



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I'm hopefully going to have a go on one on Friday. Watch this space. 

I posted the following words sometime ago on a TENS thread:-

Based on my own experience of using tens machines, they work by inducing a pain/sensation at another location, masking the original pain.

So if you have a pain in your ankle and cut off your right arm – your ankle pain will appear to have gone away (or at least be of no concern to you).

It helps some. My wife tried it, but it didn't help her.

I bought one several years ago. No use whatsoever.   


Don't waste your money  

I have found them very effective for chronic back pain, sandy but I use it on full strength. Far better than taking too many painkillers, imo. They are cheap enough so have a go - I prefer the wireless ones with a remote control. My last I bought in a chemist chain store about £30.

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OK.  Thanks for your comments.

I was sceptical about tens machines but was pleasantly surprised after being persuaded to try one.

The pain of Sciatica was truly horrible and I was willing to try anything. I'm so glad I did.

I used it during labour. It helped a bit in that, like Hymie said, you get a different intense 'buzzy' sensation elsewhere that may or may not take your focus off the original pain. 

I have a small one and find it very helpful.

I felt like I had been strapped to a electric chair.  I hated it . It's surprising how much punch a 1.5 battery can give.🌩

My son finds it very helpful for a long term  neck injury 

Perhaps you had it switched on too high, dusty. 😲😆

Tried one once. Didn't do anything useful for me.

Quite pleasant when actually using it but the effects don't last.  They are quite cheap so maybe worth trying.

I use one for sciatica and bursitis. Really helps me. I think the only way to know is by trying it. Some stuff works for some folk and not for others.


I bought a v cheap one off amazon just "to see" and it has helped.

If you have a pacemaker check first to see if it is alright to use with a Tens Machine. 

^^^ please remove--''with''.

i had sciatica and got a tens machine,brilliant helped no end.i would advise you to invest in one

Barmaid, have you considered asking for a steroid jab into your hip bursa? I'm in theatre tomorrow for my fourth one, makes a world of a difference with both the bursitis and sciatica, I have both.

I use one sometimes if my back pain gets really bad. I think it's more of a distraction than any sort of permanent "fix". As for how to use it the recommendation is to have the strength of pulse at or slightly below where you can actually feel it.

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