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Who Is/Was The British Actress? And What Was The British Film/Drama

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Cmitchell | 22:08 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers

In the 70s or 80s I remember seeing a film/drama about a woman who wanted to murder someone. She had planned to use laburnum seeds. In the end SHE died. I think she had suffocated or similar in some underground bunker/air raid shelter. The whole story was absolutely gripping (I must have been a small child or a teenager at the time and I'm in my early 50s now.  I can see the main character's face. She was a British actress, she always had long black/dark brown hair even into her older years, I think she always wore it down or in a ponytail (but I might be wrong about this). Also I seem to think this actress had a bit of a high pitched voice (but again I might be incorrect here too).

what was the drama/film? And who was the actress? I'd love to know. 



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Might it have been Diana Rigg in Mother Love??
22:16 Tue 23rd Jul 2024

have you seen her in anything else that you can remember?

Might it have been Diana Rigg in Mother Love??

You beat me to it, elliemay 🙂

I bet you are right, Ellie.  Diana Rigg didn't die in a bunker but was in a prison cell

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Elliemay1 That's it! You clever thing you!!! Thank u so much. Now I just need to source a copy of it -the whole mini-series!!!! 

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Wow such brilliant brilliant people on here-thank h so much people xxx was really bugging me!! Ha ha! Not now . And yes ToraToraTora was racking my brains trying to think of something else I'd seen her in but alas couldn't remember!!! Thank u again! 

>>> Now I just need to source a copy of it -the whole mini-series!!!! 

Easy peasy!

Is it any good?

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thank u so much I'll be watching that at the wknd! So happy now 

thank u 🙏🏼 

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Who Is/Was The British Actress? And What Was The British Film/Drama

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