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Mutual Speed-Dial Contacts?

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douglas9401 | 11:03 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
3 Answers

Do Donald Trump and Nicolas Maduro have each other on one-touch dialling?

The similarities are striking in methodologies and supporters.



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Hahaha, the TDS is strong today.

Just stop and listen to yourselves.

Question Author

Greetings from a damp and windy layby on the A9.

Thank you for at least taking the time to reply, even if it amounts to nowt.

Sorry for taking so long to reply but I work for a living.

Yours ever,  a commie/leftie liberal currently dining on a petrol station sandwich. X

I thought Maduro had publicly said he was a Trump fan.( no erf)

Luis Ignacio da silva (Lula) commented after Maduro predicted Civil War if (M) lost: "Maduro should accept that if he wins he stays in power and if he loses,  then he leaves"

Venezuela has oil and a car crash economy ( and Lula made it worse)

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Mutual Speed-Dial Contacts?

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