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Toyota Yaris Hybrid 2014

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donny48 | 08:05 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | Motoring
10 Answers

I am in need of an exploded diagram for a Toyota Yaris Hybrid 2014 passenger wing mirror. The car (my grandaughters) is the other end of the country.



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I found similar diagrams but they do not show what I need, but thanks for trying. I will upload the photos that I have been sent.

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How do you upload a photo to answer bank ?


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I don't know how we (or you) can help from a distance. It looks broken, I would take it to a Toyota dealer & ask if it can be repaired.

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I think a Toyota dealer would always suggest a new part and granddaughter is a lowly student with little money.

Fair enough, but if it can't be repaired it might pay to search on line for 2nd hand ones from salvage yards.

I see some similar at under £100.

A local independent garage might quote to supply and fit a salvage replacement if asked. Ours did. 

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I found her a local garage,an acquaintance of my local garage, and of course Granddad will pay.

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Toyota Yaris Hybrid 2014

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