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Good Morning Early Wednesday Birds!

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Smowball | 05:57 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
24 Answers

Have woken up early to a bit of a puzzle! Went downstairs at 5.30am to get a cup of tea, to be met by a huge puddle of water (well it's clear so I assume water!) on the lounge floor! We have wooden flooring, and it's right in front of you as you walk in the room. To the left is a radiator but doesn't seem to be coming from that. There a beg enough puddle  that I've had to put down 3 tea towels to try and soak it up. It definitely wasn't there when I went to bed at gone midnight - I would have had to walk thru it to leave the room. 2nd thoughts was that maybe one of the cats has had a wee?? But apart from the fact that I've never ever seen them do that indoors there is far too big a puddle. God knows where it's come from - moments like this I'd love to have overnight CCTV lol! 



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Oh wow Barry, she's protecting her babies then.

She is.  I'm hoping to get photos 

If its any constellation, I too had a recent baffling mystery, where by we put about 7 frozen bags filled with frozen food which wasn't any good in the boot of my car on a baking hot Friday afternoon, and by Sunday afternoon when we removed the bags ice had formed on the boot floor.


Thats literally 48+ hours on 2 hot summers days and nights which to us is baffling. 

My pigeon is no more.  Noises woke me in the early hours, fox on patio, pigeon in mouth, feathers everywhere.

Woken half an later by screeching magpies taking the eggs.

I was looking forward to seeing the squabs 😞

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Good Morning Early Wednesday Birds!

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