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Netanyahu's Speech To Congress

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Khandro | 08:03 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | News
12 Answers

Did anyone watch it ? Great speech with continuous standing ovations from both sides of the house. 

MSM reporting this morning seems to be focused on the few Democrats who did not attend; 39 including Nancy Pelosi ! and the protesters out in the street.



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Excellent speech, and great to see the support within congress for the people of Israel.  Particularly liked his line regarding the protestors holding up "Gays for Gaza" signs being like hens holding up "Chickens for KFC" placards!

"The war in Gaza could end tomorrow if Hamas surrenders, disarms and returns all the hostages. But if they don’t, Israel will fight until we destroy Hamas’s military capabilities and its rule in Gaza and bring all our hostages home.

That’s what total victory means, and we will settle for nothing less."

Well said, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Big Ben seems to have laid out his final solution.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls ?

It was interesting to hear him praising both Biden and Trump for standing by the jewish people, and heartening to see the overwhelming support for Israel by the lawmakers in the US.  It was also very good to hear the Israeli point of view put across on the BBC for a change, and to hear this hated man stand up for his nation.  "The ICC prosecutor accuses Israel of deliberately targeting civilians. What in God's green earth is he talking about? The IDF has dropped millions of flyers, sent millions of text messages, made hundreds of thousands of phone calls to get Palestinian civilians out of harm's way. But at the same time, Hamas does everything in its power to put Palestinian civilians in harm's way. They fire rockets from schools, from hospitals, from mosques. They even shoot their own people when they try to leave the war zone. A senior Hamas official Fathi Hamad boasted - Listen to this - He boasted that Palestinian women and children excel at being human shields. His words: "excel at being human shields." What monstrous evil.

For Israel, every civilian death is a tragedy. For Hamas, it's a strategy. They actually want Palestinian civilians to die, so that Israel will be smeared in the international media and be pressured to end the war before it's won.

This would enable Hamas to survive another day, and as they vowed, to carry out October 7th again and again and again. Well, I want to assure you, no matter what pressure is brought to bear, I will never allow that to happen."

I've just listened to it.  Wow; refreshing to actually hear someone standing up for his people. 

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HH. Yes rousing stuff. No man could stand up for his country and what is right any better.

I remember Harold Macmillan once saying that when you make a speech just say one thing, put over only one idea, but say it in as many ways as you can.

Apart from having a justifiable attack against the evil Iranian regime, his main message, which he reiterated over and over again without being boring, was simply, 'Thank you America for your help, please continue to give it and stand by us.'

^Absolutely, Khandro.  The gratitude was there for all to see.   Love the Macmillan quote, and reminded me of one of Churchill's: "If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack."  

Quoted Stalin and claimed the demonstrators protesting about the number of deaths in Gaza were in the pay of Iran.

Go on, what was the Stalin quote?

And yes, US intelligence confirms what Netanyahu says: "We recently learned from the U.S. director of national intelligence, that Iran is funding and promoting anti-Israel protests in America."

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He didn't mention Stalin by name I think, but the 'useful idiots' quote was originally by him.

A number of authors attribute this phrase to Vladimir Lenin, but this attribution is not supported by any evidence. - - - useful idiots

well at least AB identified it as Carmie

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