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Good Morning Early Thursday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:09 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

Well, very grey and windy here, tho they are promising some sunshine later! Yesterday late morning I was in my kitchen just looking out of the window onto a shrub outside when I saw something move, and when I looked closer I could see it was a Robin. Now I very rarely see birds in the garden but I put that down to having cats, but even rarer is to see a Robin - can't even remember the last time I saw one, but it really made  me smile - they are just so pretty. 
Had a hospital letter arrive yesterday too  for an appointment I've been waiting for  - the date is 10th April 2025!! Well I guess ai can't say they haven't given me enough notice!! LOL!



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More of a Good Afternoon now, Smow 😊 I was an early bird today but too early for you 😊 An April 2025 appt. seems ridiculous (though maybe the norm these days) ... just hope it is not for the heart scan you mentioned earlier.  You often mention insomnia and this can be linked (though obviously not in every case) to heart problems - has your GP talked about this with you?  Sun has finally appeared - think it is affected by the tides.🌊

Good afternoon smow & all. Had a long lie in today. Still a lot of cloud here at the moment. The sun does peep through at times. Disappointing  July so far. Goodness smow! that's a long time to wait for your hospital appointment! Hope you are doing OK at the moment? You're doing a good job with GMEB. 😃

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Good Morning Early Thursday Birds!

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