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Corp gifts for Japan

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dfine | 12:27 Wed 26th Apr 2006 | Shopping & Style
8 Answers
What gift should i get for a the Japanese rep of the company i work for. It's been suggested we buy the male reps Johnny Walker, what would be suitable for a woman i know very little about (apparently she likes cats)? Thanks


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I know that it is petty, and us women are never that, but if all the guys got one gift and I got another, different, gift then I would be offended.

However it may be normal practice in your company to do this - and if so it would be acceptable.

I am not sure how much Johnny Walker costs - but I am sure that you could get her a really nice and tasteful cat ornament for this price.

A donation to the RSPCA or some kind of Cat Protection group? Hmm, it is a hard one. I kind of agree with wolf63 though, I would feel a bit silly getting something different so maybe a nice bottle of wine or champagne if you want it to be 'like' the mens presents.
How about a bottle of Bailey's ?

In Japan, coffee is regarded as a delicacy and is often given as a gift. You could buy her some really posh coffee and gift wrap it.

I don't know if I'm remembering this absolutely correctly, but I don't think buying a woman the same present as a man is really the done thing. Don't quote me on it, but I do remember their formal culture is really quite different from ours.

Do they live in Japan? If so something quintesentially (did I spell that right?) would be gratefully received I'm sure, something like English Lavender perfume and toiletries, or Woods of Windsor stuff.
A colleague did a three week corporate trip to a Japanese company and was advised to take things typically 'English' as gifts. She said the Wedgewood plates she took went down a storm.
Whenever I visit Japan the thing I am always asked to take with me is tea. Yorkshire Tea seems to be very popular and is unavailable in Japan

When selecting a gift for a female Japanese representative who likes cats, it's essential to choose something thoughtful and appropriate. While Johnny Walker might be a suitable gift for male representatives, consider these alternatives that would be more fitting:

Cat-Themed Gifts: Opt for high-quality, cat-themed items such as elegant cat-themed jewelry, stylish cat-print scarves, or a chic cat-themed desk accessory.

Personalized Gifts: Personalized items like custom cat-themed mugs or notebooks can add a personal touch.

Japanese-Inspired Gifts: Consider a beautifully crafted Japanese tea set or traditional Japanese stationery, which can be a meaningful gesture.

Luxury Treats: High-end chocolates or gourmet gift baskets with a variety of premium treats can be a sophisticated choice.

<a href=";>Corporate gifting companies</a> can help you select a gift that aligns with these preferences and ensure it meets high standards of quality and presentation. Choosing a gift that reflects her interests and professional standing will leave a lasting positive impression.

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