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Original Gift Ideas

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Meg888 | 15:04 Thu 22nd Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Hi all. Last year for Christmas I made my Christmas dinner guests a little extra gift up and placed it on the dinner table where they were sitting. It was Christmas box which contained a small yankee candle/car freshener, a miniature of their fave tipple, a miniature box of chocs, pen, post its, nail varnish for the women, and key ring for the men and a couple of other ‘miniature’ things but I can’t remember now! They weren’t expecting it, and they all loved their little personalised gifts. I’m having the same gang back but they’re betting I won’t top last year – I’d like to do something similar, but not the same. I’ll never get the surprise element I got last year, but I can’t even think what to do - I did toy with the idea of mini cheese & mini wine hamper but I’m not that crazy about it. Can anyone come up with something a bit special? The age group is 45-70 – thanks


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Could you get a special photo for each of them made into a small gift like a keyring, maybe with a small inscription on the back with the date as a nice memory.

Some kind of game could be another idea - with cards with some kind of charades on or trivia - maybe even trivia about each other or questions about things to share.

Going a bit further, a surprise mini murder mystery type game for after could be an idea with props in the gift like a fake moustache, glasses etc... to make up a character.
A game of strip poker would liven it all up. LOL
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Eeewww strip poker?! I like the keyring idea though.
You had lovely ideas there for your Christmas surprises.

Style expert Ann Green has put together a list of Christmas gifts available online
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