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1st year wedding anniversary present

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ooh-la-la | 13:42 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | Shopping & Style
9 Answers
What can i get my good friend for her first years wedding anniversary? I've heard the thing about giving a paper gift, but i'm not sure if that's just for the bride and groom to do for one another? I'm looking to spend about £15 - £20. Any suggestions really welcome xx


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I gave my god-daughter and her husband cash for their first wedding anniversary - well, it was made of paper!
Some doilies? :-)
You can observe the tradition or about
a book
a framed print
a magazine subscription
a gift token (not a plastic card!)
a home made voucher for anything
I saw in a garden centre a few days ago a potted rose specifically for a first wedding anniversary - what about something like that?
How about some interesting paper crafts -
I did not know that you had to give couples anniversary presents. Does this mean I have to give my sister a present next year then?
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lol jonny, yes it does and you still have to remember her birthday too hehehe. I did think money but i'm already going to give her some for finding me some children to look after. I'm loving the voucher idea mr woof and the flower miss muppet, i'm gonna pop into town now and see what i can find. Thankyou for all your help xx
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