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Unusual gift idea!!

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EmEd1984 | 23:18 Thu 28th Jun 2007 | Gift Ideas
4 Answers
hmm...i know this isn't a question but i wanted to share a website i found (and have nothing to do with, i'm not advertising for them!!) it's called belt me and similar to all saints, they make studded leather belts...that can be personalised!! i thought maybe they'd be a good gift idea, but there is certain words you can't have due to copyright.
I was going to get a Mrs. Edwards one - i don't care if thats tacky!


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Thank You, ive been wondering what to get my friend for her bday and think this is a great idea, she'll love it. Now I just gotts think what to put on it.
ooooooooooooooo cheese belts!!
That is VERY cool!! Thanks!
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Unusual gift idea!!

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