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Special gift ideas please!!

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tigwig | 20:10 Mon 17th Nov 2008 | Seasonal
10 Answers
I want to be able to do something really nice for my parents this year and get them something that doesn't cost very much but has a lot of thought in it. My hubby has been unemployed for nearly 2 months now and they have been literally giving us money each week to live on and pay all the bills and mortgage which has equated to alot of money! We are so grateful to them and they say not to get them anything at Christmas but we want to show our appreciation. I have already done the newspaper personalised article and the message in a bottle thing but can't think of anything else! Please help me with some ideas!


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A nice home cooked meal ?
You could make up a small hamper/ basket with foods/ little gifts/whatever you think they will like xxx
How about making up 'DIY tokens' on your computer eg 25 hours of painting, window washing, car cleaning, weeding etc. Then print them off and give them to them in an envelope - totally free for you but allows you to help them out with jobs that need done.

Have they got a lot of family photos that need sorting out? It is a nice gift to organise the photos and put them in a (not expensive) album. Don't let them know that you are doing it - surprises are always nice!

If they (and you) are sentimental people then something which is totally free but a really nice thought is a memory box. Decorate a shoebox or similar and then fill it full of little keepsakes which chart your lives eg school reports, written out memories of your most special xmas, photos of pets and previous homes, birthday cards that you may have received from them etc etc etc. It can have absolutely anything in it and it is lovely to sit down with people you love and talk them through all the items. People forget socks or chocolates but a present like a memory box is totally unique and says thankyou in a really special way.

Good luck.
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thanks for the answers so far. they are away for christmas itself and it would be better to have something to actually give them as a present as we all exchange pressies along with my sister together! We don't want to end up been the only ones giving them nothing!
Loving the memory box idea problem is all photos of me etc are at their house. Do you have any more ideas to put in it?!! Thank you!
I think the voucher idea is lovely and you could dress it up by putting the vouchers inside the plastic envelopes of an inexpensive photo album. Include the invitation to a home cooked meal with an "open" date on it. As to feeling your gift will be looked upon as less than your sisters I bet I know which one your parents will value the most - the one with care, thought & love on every page or something gift wrapped from a High Street Store:)
Have you got any nice digital photos of them that can be blown up and framed?
There are some great present ideas on

Hope this helps.
Hopefully its not above your budget and would depend on if its suitable, but give one of thee websites a try, and you can personalised cufflinks with anything, your childrens drawings, finger prints, anything
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