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60th birthday gift idea for dad

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catlavender | 20:06 Sun 29th Jul 2007 | Shopping & Style
8 Answers
My dad is 60 in just over a week and I just can't think what to get him. I want it to be something special, maybe something personalised. He's into running and 60's music but doesn't really have any hobbies. Any ideas please? They will be greatly appreciated. Price range up to �100 as I'm sharing with my brother if we ever think of something!

Many thanks.


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How about an mp3 player filled with all his favourite 60's tunes for him to jog along to.
Does he have a garden? How about about a bird table or feeder (along with some bird food). Also maybe some binoculars and a bird book.
Hello catlavender! I gave this answer to a similar question about someone's 50th a few weeks ago. Here it is, hope it helps:-

"For my mum's 60th, I got all our childhood photos and picked about 20 that were right for the task. Then, my sisters and brother and I spent one mad day recreating them all. We dressed up, used props, went to the places where the originals were taken or just found somewhere that looked the same, lined up the shot while looking at the old one and took it again! We borrowed a school tie to take one of my brother (36) to make him look 6 again, made a plate of play food to look like the first Sunday lunch my sister made, and posed in the kitchen with at 11 - then made her pose again with the pretend one etc etc...

We had so much fun, and I made up an album, with each photo next to its modern version. Mum looked at the first few pages and said something like "how nice" obviously thinking we'd just made her any old photo album. I closed it up and told her to start again, and to LOOK at it. When she 'got' it at last, she cried and cried and cried. She was totally speechless! It was the BEST idea I have ever had, and she still goes on about it now - 10 years later!!"
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Thanks for all these fantastic ideas, they've really helped get me thinking along the right lines and the photo idea is lovely. My dad doesn't have a garden unfortunately but that's definitely a present worth bearing in mind for someone else. I've still not decided what to get but I feel a lot more organised now so thank you all.
how about a helicopter lesson. my father-in-law loved his on on his 60th.
Tickets to go and see "The Bootleg Beatles" if he likes them.
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