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Father Of The Bride

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queenofmean | 11:28 Thu 03rd Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Ok I got married last year but I am doing it all again in a few weeks with all our guests and family this time.

I do however want to get my dad a gift, but I haven't a clue what to get. He doesn't drink so alcohol is out the question. He doesn't need cufflinks as he rarely wears a suit nowadays, he also doesn't need another watch. My MOH suggested a personalised hanky. I am still open to ideas. I have 16 days to go until the day so I am getting desperate.

Help a girl out, please.


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A nice pen?
What about a small engraved vase or similar ornament?

You can have a nice personal message engraved on it, with the date, something he will enjoy.

My eldest daughter got me a mug with an image of me giving my speech printed on it, I love that.
A book? An experience day, something he would love to do maybe off-road driving, tickets for a sporting event?
Question Author
Ooh some good ideas.

He does like a good pen Cashier!

An ornament is an option. I'd get him a mug but he has loads of them but he favours his I love my Daddy mug I got him about 7 years ago.

A book could be an idea, we've got all our tickets for sports stuff but I didn't think of an experience day!

Thank you!
speaking as a dad

I would just love a framed photo of myself with my daughter on the special day
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that's a really nice idea johnny!
Yep, that gets my vote too. Even better if you could get a photographer to take the photo at the earliest possible opportunity on the day and then have it printed and framed and brought to the reception ready for the speeches when you could present it to him.
Could you get someone to make a full photographic record of the repeat ceremony, reception and all and present it to your dad in one of those photoframes that flicks through them all?
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Just seen your replies Maydup and Jourdain.

I found a lovely hand crafted boat which can be personalised and a key ring which says you are the first man I loved.

It is his birthday in March so I will opt for a photo framed for that as I honestly have no idea what to get him for that either. I do however have a few ideas in mind.
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Father Of The Bride

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