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Choosing Which Bible To Take The Oath On

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hellywelly4 | 16:55 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | Religion & Spirituality
30 Answers

I watched quite a lot of the MP's taking the oath or affirming the other day, and wondered why some people chose the King James Bible and others chose the New Testament. Does anyone know?



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Different denominations.  The King James is standard for CofE whilst others make prefer different versions.  
17:03 Sat 13th Jul 2024

Same thing happens to a jury. They have to either swear on the bible or affirm. Also in the armed forces  and everyone has to take the oath in America.

The King James' feels better to me, a personal thing, I suppose.

^^^Probably the best one to choose nowadays, jourdain. The St. James Bible contains books from the Old Testament, some from the Apocrypha and also books from the New Testament.So it covers a lot.

I have just read there are over 450 versions of the Bible in English.

I'm not sure how long it would take the House of Commons to obtain a copy of the less well-known ones if the requested version were not to hand and the MP insisted on using it.

^^^King James not Saint [email protected]

from Catch22 "GIMME EAT!"

The New Testament and Old Testament are obviously just parts of the Bible.

There is a section in Matthew ch5 where Jesus forbids the swearing of oaths, but this is mainly directed at the Pharisees who had invented very elaborate vows.

Swearing on the Bible certainly shouldn't be done casually, as you are invoking God's character

But is there a God and does it have a character ? It remains true that ritual won't prevent someone from lying, and not participating in a ritual doesn't force anyone to lie. In that respect it's pointless.

II Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"
The lack of harmony indicates that our society does not have something that all Christian believers agree upon as the God-inspired Word.

I don't agree with that, PsalmEquipt.  Some of it would lead people astray.

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