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If Someone Stated In Their Will That The Balance Of Their Estate Should Go To A Charity...

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sandyRoe | 20:16 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

...and just after signing it they bought a lottery ticket which won a jackpot and then went on to be knocked down by an omnibus, would the charity get all the money when the original intent was they should receive just a few pounds?



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I hope so.

yes I would guess so,particularly if they had collected their winnings. The  residual estate is the residual estate whether its £10 or £10 million 

Yes. A Will speaks from death.

Equally had the testator executed the Will then put all their wealth on a horse that lost, the charity would get 0.

if you want the Charity for Slow Horses to receive just a tenner, leave them just a tenner.

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If Someone Stated In Their Will That The Balance Of Their Estate Should Go To A Charity...

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