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Dear Vagus

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choux | 18:33 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
31 Answers

You have been kind enough to ask me a few times how things are going for me. My dearly beloved died in hospital earlier this month. Watching someone slowing dying and waiting for their release from suffering is something altogether different. 

I was recognised every day during long visiting hours until the  final day and I could see death was imminent. It was a blessed release in the end.

Slowly getting through everything, having waited 5 days to get a doctor in a large hospital team looking after OH to sign the death certificate did not help my progress. My GP is on holiday, as is the solicitor - though not together I presume.

I will get it all done one day, I have no doubt. Just about my bedtime now - energy levels are low and I have lost a lot weight in the last 3 to 4 years. So thanks for asking Vagus x



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Ah choux, what can I possibly say....Youve kept your sense of humour despite what you've obviously been going through, what a dreadful time you've had. I hope you have some sort of support system, or at the very least someone who can help with all the necessary form filling, etc., and emotional support you may need right now. I wish it could be me.Its the price...
19:19 Wed 24th Jul 2024

((choux)) - I've only just seen this & am so sorry for your sad loss.  You have my deepest condolences.

I hope you're able to get everything sorted out soon.  The penultimate para in the OP shows your sense of humour's still with you - I hope that & your lovely memories will help.

My very best wishes & love to you X

Such a hard time for you choux.  I am so sorry. X

So very sorry to read of your sad loss, Choux. 

Wishing you love & strength to get you through this tough time ((X))

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Thank you LiK, naomi and Patsy.

LiK, I did think of you when I typed my post (((X))) When my humour goes then so do I ;)

Wow, kedgereee, that's waaaaay beyond anything I'd make, choux, well done 👍

Im pleased you're getting through all the official stuff, have to admit I'd be hopeless as OH deals with all (no idea who we're with), gas & electric (likewise). I think Rowan offers good advice.

Im sure your appetite will pick up again at some point, it's the first thing that goes with me, under stress or grief, I lost 2 stone when my mum was ill and then died, same when I lost my sister.

No need to give me best answer, but thank you. I'm not ever prone to being teary or overly emotional but confess a tear did escape when I read your post, I read it out to OH too, made us both a tad contemplative.

Are you sleeping? May I ask, have you had his funeral yet..please dont say if you don't want to, I don't want so be intrusive.
I send you lots of kind thoughts and cyber support, and much love, you lovely lady x

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Sleep evades me still - I thought that it might possibly improve as I don't have to listen out in the night - we had separate bedrooms for the last few years - but I have become the world's lightest sleeper. My brain won't switch off.

Funeral is on 1st August. Just had some photos emailed to me from my cousin in Australia. Strictly speaking she is my next of kin but I may have to advertise the position more locally. She has been very good and has phoned me and emailed me a few times lately. Her younger sister living in Tasmania is registered blind but exhibits her art work - there was even a photo of her gorgeous guide dog, Quinn - though I no longer have any pet I still swoon at dogs!

You are not intrusive - otherwise I would say "Vagus, you've got a nerve!" :) Have a wee drink for me please, I have lost the taste for that too. x

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Thank you again to all who have posted here - you have given me comfort and support x

Just raising a glass to you, choux, and hoping we shall be so resilient. x :)

chowks, very sorry to hear of the long drawn out  period and then death

You WILL start sleeping... good luck PP

choux---Sorry to hear your sad news and send my condolences. X

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PP, bless you, I know it will happen one day just not sure when!

Thank you andres. 


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