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Wallie As In Close Or Roof T???D

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Mickey02 | 14:41 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers

Wallie as in close or roof T???d



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Best I can do is TILED as in tiled roof but.........?

Can we get the middle letter to see if that helps?

Definitely tiled

wallyin British English

(ˈwælɪ )

adjective Central Scotland dialect1. 

made of china

a wally dug


lined with ceramic tiles

a wally close

Thanks Barry. It was the 'wallie' that was confusing me.

Seems Mickey got it wrong 3 times - best to check your post before submitting, Mickey. 😊

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Wallie As In Close Or Roof T???D

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