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French Train Network Hit By 'Malicious' Arson Attacks Hours Before Olympics

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naomi24 | 11:07 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | News
9 Answers


I hope there's no more - but I have my doubts.



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What's the motive here, I wonder?

There's rumours that it's the nice Mr Putin sulking a bit because we won't let him enter the Games and we're being nasty to him in the Ukraine.

I don't like the idea of having the Opening Ceremony on boats sailing down the Seine - sitting targets?

It should be a happy time but not a "on high alert" occasion.

What a sad world.

Any clue on what section of society appears to be responsible ? They have CCTV images presumably.

Wont be the last.

The list of possible perpetrators is endless due to all the imports. 


There is another report Le Monde ( that is a French  Newspaper) and a german rag - uncovering a mole. Chef in France for 14 years and unmasked ( dug up?) as a mole or sleeper for the KGB

yeah last phrase: "suspected of having wanted to destabilise the Olympics"

One of my other French posts was deleted as it was thought to be an advert for viagra

//In April, French president Emmanuel Macron said he had no doubt that Moscow would try to disrupt the Olympic Games in some way.//

This wouldn't surprise me. I doubt it would be the usual type of terrorism. They always try to kill people rather than disrupt infrastructure.

Yes, that is a good point tomus, downside of that is that the other lots are probably waiting for their turn.

No wonder the French asked for assistance Policing the event.

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French Train Network Hit By 'Malicious' Arson Attacks Hours Before Olympics

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