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I've Just Had An E-Mail From A Pet Insurance Company...

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sandyRoe | 10:38 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers

... telling me my 4 week free policy will soon lapse.

The charity I got DeeJay from told me she's an indoor cat.  Do I really need insurance for her?



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What does the policy cover? Anual vaccinations, worming, flea treatment, teeth cleaning as she gets older? If yes then possibly worth it. Ask the vet what is covered

Could you afford to pay for expensive vet treatment should she become ill?

You will have to have her inoculated if you plan on putting her in a cattery at any time.


Any living thing can get ill. Insurance companies are there to make a profit so most with insurance lose out. The thing is, how much do you want to avoid the risk ?

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Vet's certainly know how to charge.

I had my last cat for only a few weeks before he became ill.  I took him to the vet and she said his bladder was distended, caused by an obstruction.

Later that day they phoned me to say he'd died.

When I went to collect him I was presented with a bill for £270.

Good afternoon,

If you had insurance and the cat was vacinated you probably would only have a bill of £150.

Its a personal choice, I insure my indoor kitties for a few years and then don't bother, but I do this knowing that I will have to cover their old age illness's. 

So far my 18 year old kitty has cost me approx £800 in the last 16 years - far less than I would pay out for insurance - but its a gamble.

I don't insure my indoor cat. I did at first, but I then I didn't see the point. If she needs something done I'll pay for it. So far I've saved £2000.

Personally I would always take out pet insurance, it's always a gamble as to whether or not you'll need it.

However, it's a decision you have to make for yourself.

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