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Healer - Do No Harm, Try Not To Kill The Patient

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wolf63 | 17:44 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | News
5 Answers

This guy is dangerous.  Many people look for alternative treatments for chronic diseases.  Some treatments help and some have no more than a placebo effect.  

This healer took things a little too far.  It is easy to say that the woman should have had more sense than to believe him, but she believed in him.




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2 Type 1 deaths!

He needs locking up to protect the gullible.

With his conviction in Australia how did he manage to get into the UK?

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Rocky - agreed.  Type 1 is not curable, or isn't in 2024, the guy has no medical background and is a danger to the desperate and gullible.

Sandy - good point.  He couldn't have lied to immigration or border control - could he?!

Why on earth do people fall for these obviously ridiculous scams. 



I've always been astonished how some people swear by homeopathy...or water as sane people call it.

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Healer - Do No Harm, Try Not To Kill The Patient

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