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Old Speckled Hen Ale

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oakville | 20:01 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Food & Drink
4 Answers

My favorite ale here in S. Ontario is Morland Old Speckled Hen from the UK. My local Ontario Beer Store no longer stocked it and then I had to go further afield. Now I cannot find  OSH within miles /kms. Is there a supply or distribution problem? Has it been discontinued? I cannot find any answers at this end. Thank you



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It has not been discontinued in the UK.      
It is nationally sold in pubs on cask and keg, and is available in bottles and cans in supermarkets.   
It is sold in 20 markets outside the UK, so your difficulty will be a lical problem.

Google told me to look at this place. Don't know where they're based but they do talk about 'delivery' so may be some help.

The Greene King brewery might be struggling to match capacity at the moment.  It's just up the road from me, in the centre of an historic town and therefore with no room at all for expansion.  However the company is hoping to construct a brand new brewery on the edge of the town:

I rarely drink it now.   
We have about 3,000 breweries in the UK making many thousands of different real craft ales. I would sooner try a new one I haven't seen before than a mass produced one like OSH.

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Old Speckled Hen Ale

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