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Olympic Opening Ceremony On The Seine

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Hazlinny | 21:12 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

Anybody watching it?  The lighting effects are amazing .. such a colourful spectacle.  What a planning must have gone into all that.



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I started watching it. Got thoroughly bored and switched over. Tried again an hour or so later and felt exactly the same. I've resorted to the 5th time of watching The West Wing.

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Yes, it was a bit boring till darkness fell and the lights illuminated everywhere.

Such a shame about the weather, but there are some great and zany performances ...

I think it's a great idea in theory, all happening on the river. But I think the weather and the feeling of it being somewhat disjointed has made it, for me, somewhat boring.

Mind you, I find just about all opening ceremonies boring after the first half hour or so.

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Olympic Opening Ceremony On The Seine

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