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Trimming Iris Leaves

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megfitz | 21:29 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Gardening
2 Answers

I have several Bearded Iris in a border and am thinking that to get sunlight onto the Rhizomes I'd like to trim the leaves to about half their lenght.

   Is this the right thing/ time to do it? 
Thanks for  any advice



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This might help: the references to cutting back the leaves when dividing the plants by the Doddington method and/or the 'Winter preparation' bit).
21:37 Fri 26th Jul 2024

This might help:

(See the references to cutting back the leaves when dividing the plants by the Doddington method and/or the 'Winter preparation' bit).

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Brilliant, thank you Buenchico

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Trimming Iris Leaves

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