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Wildfires In Jasper, Canada.

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Hazlinny | 23:22 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | News
7 Answers

This is awful ... have visited there twice and can't believe that half the town has been burned to the ground.



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It's heartbreaking Haz. Such a beautiful place. I too have been there with some of my family. My sister lives in Alberta and she was crying yesterday morning at the devastation of Jasper.

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Where does your sister live, Patsy?  

Horrific for all concerned.  I hope it wasn't some idiot started it as has happened before.

What about the poor animals, they don't know which way to run.  And the babies in the holes underground!  I remember seeing a firefighter pick up a little rabbit which was running around terrified not knowing where to go for safety.

She lives in Edmonton, Haz. She's visited Jasper quite a few times.

thought to have been started by lightning, ladybirder.

It's a well situated town but I don't recall it being unusually pretty. A lot of people will have no homes - just as well it's summer, you wouldn't want to be homeless in the Rockies in midwinter.

Thankfully no injuries or deaths reported.

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