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And On An Olympics Theme …..

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naomi24 | 16:41 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

How sporty were you at school?  Netball, hockey, rounders, gymnastics, javelin, discus and hurdling (to a degree) for me - but I've never won a running race in my life.



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I was quite good at gymnastics and dreamt of being being in the Olympics. HaHa!  Rubbish at all other sports. I quite liked the 1500 metres. Just plod around, one foot in front of the other until you finish.

1st XI football for three years, got my Full Colours; because I was good at football, I had to captain the 2nd XI cricket team (??!!)

Remember I was House sports captain and when I couldn't find any other senior to throw the javelin on Sports Day thought I'd better have a go. Found which was the 'pointy' end, threw 3 times and won by a country mile. Never threw one again.

Loved all sports really, especially badminton and squash.

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