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jourdain2 | 21:36 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

14A   ..... or As You Like It?  (2,5)

I have T-/ O-D-R

It has to be ''To Order' - or am I wrong..... bit stuck in Shakespeare after lunchtime meeting with Granddaughter who is reading Eng. Lit..



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I'd say that's correct

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Ta - I'll fill it in. :)

Yes - To order

Don't know if it's relevant but what's the clue/answer previous to 14a?

Cap'n - Show drama following detectives … (7)

Using "drama" perhaps.  I had the Q in the OP filled in before that one, so it didn't register with me.

Thanks LiK, been a while, years probably, since I did the DT.

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