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Current Insurer Will Not Quote For Renewal Of Car Policy

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jourdain2 | 14:41 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | Insurance
14 Answers

In mid-May OH's wet shoe slipped on the pedals of my car which he was manoeuvering in our drive. He accelerated straight into a concrete post and my car was declared a total loss.  I was not even in it.

The company, DialDirect, was really helpful and I bought another car which they changed my policy to accommodate.  This ends on 19th July.

I've had a letter saying that unless there are new changes in my circumstances they are unable to find a quote for me!  I am feeling very sick  and shaky (literally). My car is essential to life here. 

Help, please!  I haven't done anything  wrong.



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"I haven't done anything  wrong." - perhaps not directly but your policy has caused them to have a pay out and they clearly see that as a risk in future. Just hit the comparison sites.

Question Author

Thanks TTT.  Normally my in Box is ful of ads  this time of year, but there has been noting - I wondered if my name had been blacklisted.  I'll try not to panic.

just go on here and you'll see all of those willing to quote


Firstly, Dial Direct isn't an insurance company - it's a broker, getting quotes from "selected" companies.

Secondly, you'll be asked (for any future quotes) whether you have been refused cover previously...which you have. Looks like an awkward situation.

Question Author

OK, I summoned up the nerve and rang DialDirect.  I was very forcefully informed that I had NOT been refused cover, must not say so and that many, many people were getting the same reaction - that no one would quote.  It is nothing to do with the prang. All to do with computers calculating the cost of repairs and value of cars.  Mine is probably worth about £5K. 

The operative tried again, removing OH as named driver (he is 91) and came up with 1 for 3x the price + double the excess.  They wanted to know about the prang and she has messaged them to say that I was not driving etc..  She'll ring me on Saturday with their response.  Fingers crossed.

It was repeated again and again that repair costs were causing thousands of innocent people to be refused quotes.  All down to the vastly expensive electric cars and high wage costs.

For not-very-well-off country-dwellers like us (2 buses a week and neither goes near the doctors' surgery) this is terrifying.  

Anyway, thanks for your efforts.  :)

Some say that 'specialist repairers' are getting up there with vets, dentists and estate agents as figures of, if not hate then utter disdain as they ramp up prices just because they can.

Anybody who knows a friendly motor trade operative also knows that repairs can be done a lot cheaper than those in tow with insurance companies, it's just another racket. I wonder how much interest insurers take in invoices submitted, you know, picking a couple at random and checking all the work thoroughly to make sure it's all kosher.

Just because one broker says they couldn'r get a quote doesn't mean you have been refused insurance. As TTT says just use the comparison sites. You will have to disclose the claim you had but that's all. IMV

Repair costs are sometimes ridiculous. Repair shops will put the damage back to "as new" condition when the car doesn't really warrant it. I had a small bump & they wanted £1600 for the repair (that part of the car would have looked perfect but the other 90% would still look 13 years old!).

I took it to a dent removal specialist who sorted it out for £280. Not perfect but good enough. 

Try the nfu and if they say that they need an introduction, then this we can arrange offline from here. I found them to be excellent in taking me on when I came back from living abroad....

Question Author

Well, thank you all very, very much.  I was so shocked that I am only now coming back on balanceand getting organised really (it has been a foul 6 mths. since breaking my hip - and a very dear, old friend died on Friday).  

DTC - that is so very kind.  I'd had about 23 yr no claims until I came back from France and UK Insurance Cos. wouldn't carry it on (the French insurance co's did).

Anyway, my sister runs (part-time now) an MOT garage and she wouldn't understand all this and so has put her insurance chap onto me.  We spoke today and it seems that a lot of us are victims of a double whammy through no fault of our own.

He's going to cast around but is certain that he can get me insured (may have to drop OH) for a much more reasonable price than the 1 and only quote my current insurers gave when I rang them yesterday.  I'm awaiting results.  Meanwhile I have to play at a funeral tomorrow, which is bringing me down to earth as well.  

Thanks again.  You've been brill.  :)

you'll be asked (for any future quotes) whether you have been refused cover previously.

yeah I spotted this before I wound thro the rest of the answers. DD is a finder of insurance and does not do quotes and so has NOT refused insurance.   - Durrr

This  is the problem with AB and other walk-in sites, whilst advice is honestly offered, er it may not be  correct or even near the mark

Good luck

I cdnt work out why they  cdnt quote?

Just because one broker says they couldn'r get a quote doesn't mean you have been refused insurance.

ahhh THAT is more like it !

( as a result of cancer I am uninsurable. Everyone ( around 100% and not only AB !) thinks I have said 'uninsured' - the insurance life houses have upped sticks and refused to continue the policies. They cant.(*) I just cant get any new insurance) 0 sozza davebro wandering

(*) surprisingly the  first regulation by statute 1703 stopped life houses from doing that ( sod off: here are your  subs back). Statutory regulation begins. but I wander even more

Firstly, Dial Direct isn't an insurance company - it's a broker, getting quotes from "selected" companies.

That's right.

Secondly, you'll be asked (for any future quotes) whether you have been refused cover previously...which you have. Looks like an awkward situation.

No, that's wrong. Because DialDirect isn't an insurance company, they can't refuse you insurance. It just means that they couldn't find any for you.

The reason is that DialDirect, through its choices of its panel of insurers and policies, is not looking to find customers like you any more. Don't panic! Other brokers and insurers are available. 

To reiterate: you have not been refused cover. Find a better insurer.

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Thank you so much. Dial Direct did say that they weren't refusing me, but I was very nervous about not saying anything, so you've confirmed that Iam in the clear.  Peace of mind at last.

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