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Good Morning Sunday Birds!

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Smowball | 07:27 Sun 28th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Have woken up early but may still sneak back to bed for half hour or so lol. Stripped cushion covers off some of the cushions on sofa and put in washing machine. It's one of those things that every time you sit down you say to yourself I must put these in machine this week.... and then never do lol.

Beautiful blue skies outside, and the forecast looks to be pretty warm here today - 28 I think. Definitely a day for gardens, washing, or sitting outside a lovely pub!!

Anyone doing any of the above, or something else?? x



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Good morning Smow. Lovely to wake up to sunshine!

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Good mornind indeed! It certainly does. I can totally understand why the depression rate is so high in winter, and in countries where they get very little daylight hours. Even here - wake up  in the dark,then dark before 4pm until nxt day. Just so nice to go outside and see blue skies,  and feel  sun on your skin : ) 

Morning Smow impatiens and all who follow. Bright blue skies here and reasonable temperature. I was speaking to my aunt in Switzerland yesterday and they are sweltering on the continent,  I hope we don't get the same.

Yesterday was a difficult day, it was 6mnths since my son died. Today is another day so hopefully onwards and upwards.

Have a happy day y'all 

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Good morning Rosetta. Am sorry yesterday was such a hard day for you - I do not know the circumstances in which your son died. I don't know if he was ill or anything, but must be so so difficult.

My dad lives in Germany and where he lives their weather is almost mirroring ours at the moment,

Thank you Smow. He hadn't been ill, he suddenly collapsed and died, it was a terrible shock. I guess we have to get through all the various anniversar ies as best we can, like all those that are bereaved.

On a brighter note, have you any dates when you can go and cuddle your grandbaby


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Rosetta, ohhh what a dreadful shock, just dreadful. Sending you a huge hug x

Yes  I've been messaging my son daily trying to re-arrange a new date for me to go and visit but I don't seem to be getting anywhere. Not quite sure what's going on, something seems a bit off. Will ring him this afternoon and see if I can get to the bottom of it. 

Hope you manage to get it sorted Smow. Its always difficult  for new parents and baby to get into a routine, particularly after a long labour, you daughter in law must have been shattered. Have they sent you lots of pictures?

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Yes I've had lots of pics. Still think he's got the hump tho over me arranging to go down  fri before last and then cancelling night before as I went down with tha5nvomiting bug. Nothing I could do tho. Just need to try and get a date from him as it's a long journey .

They wouldn't have thanked you if you had taken a tummy bug into the house with a newborn. Hope you get  new dates soon, have a cuddle for me too

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I know, that's true. X

Good morning Smow whilst it's still in the AM... lovely to see you're still keeping it going. Xx

As for me well after Bothers BBQ yester lot of fun and family members I haven't seen in ages nursing a bit of an hangover.

So today is just packing up a few things as I'll be house sitting next week between two homes... in total 2 dogs, 7 cats 3 rats. Luckily for me they know me very well (Families pets)

Hope you have a lovely day. 

Good morning smow & all. A nice day here too. Have lots to do. Need to start packing for holiday next week. Hope you can sion get your visit to see new grandson, smow. Everybody have a good day! x

Good afternoon Smow and all.
It's a lovely day here - I may well take myself to the seaside and have some fish n chips, saves me cooking eh?
Might even have an icecream from a proper icecream parlour, I had a coconut one last time I was there, yummy.
I hope you get a definite visiting time soon Smow, nothing worse than not knowing when you need to make your travel arrangements.
Have a great afternoon all :)


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Morning Arksided, Patsy, ferlew, nice to see you all again!

Hangover hey? What were u drinking lol?

where are you going to next week Patsy? This country or abroad?

ohhhh fish n chips - you cannot beat good fish n chips!

Hi Smow, going to Costa del Sol, Torremolenos on Wensday but travelling up to Birmingham the night before to stay in hotel near airport. We're taking youngest daughter & partner and little grandson. 😃

"ohhhh fish n chips - you cannot beat good fish n chips!"

and they always taste nicer at the seaside for some reason.

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Oh that sounds lovely Patsy - think of us all when youre having fun lol!

ferlew - yes they do taste better by the seaside tho I'm not sure why. Maybe just the salty sea air!  : )

Yes I will Smow..😃

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Gosh it's hot in the garden - I've just had to hose down the garden furniture just to cool  it down to sit on it lol !

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Good Morning Sunday Birds!

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