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Everyman 4058

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VivianD | 14:36 Sun 28th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Really stuck.

12a Angry Charlotte and King Edward's unwanted issues (3,8)

11d Shrinking baked good: it will keep you in shape (8,4)

14d Inflamed, each lech's mostly shown involuntary movement



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12 Hot Potatoes, unwanted issues. Charlotte and King Edward are varieties of potato.

11 Backward Roll, an exercise to keep you in shape. It's Draw back, shrinking and Roll, baked good, item.

14d Apoplectic - 'a pop' (each) + 'lec(h; mostly)' + 'tic'

a pop lec tic

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Many thanks! I think the heat is getting to me! 42degs.

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Everyman 4058

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