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Good Morning Early Monday Birds!

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Smowball | 07:38 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

Can't hang about this morning as I need to be at the hospital by 9am for an appointment/test, which means I need to be in car by 8.15am. Hopefully traffic will be ok and I'll be able to park! 
Sun is  shining away already - looks like it's going to be a scorcher! Lots to do for rest of day as I've managed to finally sort going down to Devon this Friday for a couple of days! 
What  are we all up to here then? : )



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Right you lot - I want you to play nicely - be back in a bit!,

Good luck with driving and the tests Smow. So glad you've finally fixed your trip to Devon.

Good news on the visit to son.

I always get Mr U to drive me to hospital, he then parks for free at supermrket and goes into their cafe. Mind you in my case probaly the best thing as my last appintments have been at Moorfields.

The joys of supermarket top up shop this morning, otherwise not too much to do.

Morning all. Hope the hospital appointment goes ok, as you will be early parking should be ok, normally it can be a nightmare. 

I am pleased you have got your visit to see your grandson sorted

Have a happy day y'all

Morning Smow and all. Glad you have finally set a date to go and see the little one.
Just Crafts Club for me today, and a gardener is coming at 10am to try and sort a bit more of my badly overgrown garden.
Spent a couple of hours by the sea yesterday, did some people watching and enjoyed a brass band. All members bar one were bikers, looked very odd. The drummer guy had rigged up a rollater with his little drum kit.
Have a good day all :)


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I'm back! Traffic was clear, hospital app was on time, and it's sunny! Great start to the day lol

Brilliant Smow, that's the beauty of an early appointment I suppose - not a lot of time to build up a lag in proceedings. All done and dusted now. Enjoy the rest of the day. :)


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Good Morning Early Monday Birds!

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