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Olympics Opening Ceremony

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Maydup | 21:32 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
36 Answers

Is anyone watching the "ceremony" on TV? 



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I love the Olympics, but the opening ceremonies are always a bit tedious. I watched a couple of boats go down the river and didn't bother with any more.  Looking forward to the actual sport. 
21:56 Fri 26th Jul 2024

Lady gaga is not "forgotten" lol. what an idiot. 

//Lady gaga is not "forgotten" lol.//

She's then, best forgotten.

Are you a big fan then ?

I am.   I really didn't like her performance at that ceremony - but there's no doubt she's very talented.  Forgotten she isn't.  That was a silly thing to say.

Chacun à son goût  as they say in Barnsley

Khandro, I wonder how much of her work you've actually seen?  Very little I suspect because you've decided she's not worth watching.  I watched a rather good film the other day starring Lady Gaga - 'House of Gucci'.   Try it.  You might be pleasantly surprised.

11:24 - Naomi, I watched House of Gucci, although GaGa was great, the terrible Italian accents really took me out the drama. It was all very "It's-a me, Mario" 😁

Yes, there was a bit of that, mozz, but it didn't spoil it for me.  I think she's a superb actress.

She's very good. Also great in the seasons of American Horror Story she appeared in.

I've not heard of that, mozz.

You'd have to be of  a certain age to be in a position to forget her.

If said her name to the two brothers next-door (late teens) I'm sure they would say, "Who?" 

(or actually they'd say, Wer?)



It's a gothic horror series with each season telling a separate story. They reuse the same actors in different roles from one season to the next. Gaga is in a few seasons. I think it's all on Netflix.

What I saw of it was pretty poor but I do applaud the idea of doing something different.

"Are you a big fan then ?"

no not really. but saying that she's "forgotten" does suggest that the spectator's cultural correspondent doesn't have much authority or knowledge

untitled; 'forgotten' is a generalization and depends rather on who says it. 

I would prefer, 'passé' or 'outmoded'. I don't think Lady Gaga looms very large in most people's minds anymore, but she obviously does on yours. 

Aren't your arms tired from flogging that dead hourse, Khandro?

That Lady Gaga doesn't trouble your cultural radar does not mean the same for the rest of the world...

Lady Gaga is a massive massive iconic star, the type that will never be forgotten. I've never really followed her but can recognise the genius she is.

That aside this wasn't the Met Gala or Mardi Gras it's the Olympic Games. The Drag Queens etc etc were irrelevant and sleazy in this particular scenario.

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