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Abbey, How Did Your Trial Go?

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naomi24 | 17:21 Thu 04th Apr 2024 | ChatterBank
199 Answers

Have you got the job?



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You have to have a good memory to be a good liar. I really feel sorry for your poor Mum  but surely she must know that you are keeping stuff from her.

I found this from two months back asking how to tell her.... I don't understand

Selco close at 4 pm on Sat and Sun so plenty of time free for social evenings

Abbey,just sit down with your mum and tell her! Say you've got a full time job now, but didn't say sooner as you wanted to make sure it worked out...and that the other jobs were enough or right for you. Simple!

I'm sure Abbey has told her mum she no longer works at the care home - but hasn't told her why. 

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That's how I read it barry.

I must have missed that along the way!

Yes I haven't told her what happened at the care home as she she said before it was perfect for me

So what reason did you give her for getting the laundry job?

Just full time

She's away back tomorrow 

Abbey, 'just full time'? But wasn't that a lie(another one)? Didn't you do just a couple of days a week there? 

Parents were fine about it

So they'll let you go out to work at weekends?

What do you mean?

Abbey, you did say "My mum away and haven't told I got work Saturday in selco". I thought she might be unhappy with Saturday work, just as you seem to be.

No fine about it

Abbey, you must start telling the truth.

Just going through all this and I thought I was in the perfect job 🙃 

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