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Good Morning Early Tuesday Birds!

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Smowball | 06:22 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

For those who didn't see my post last night I spend half of it getting messages from woman whom I'd sold something to online a week ago &  had now decided that it was faulty & was demanding a refund! (Personally I think she's broken it!)long story but she's being a complete pain.  Case of refunding just to shut her up even tho I know she's in the wrong, or standing my ground.......

On another note it's going to be another glorious day it seems. Youngsmow was saying how how his new flat is so so hot & that they & baby were melting! So MIL showed me the brand new air conditioning unit that she's just bought for her new house, in sale from £145 to £109 yesterday, so I've ordered him one of those to arrive today. She says it's absolutely brilliant & she's has high standards! Even if we don't get much more heat I think it will really help them.

Will be doing some work at home, some stocking up on household bits ie cat food etc for when I'm away & OH is here on his own,& another warm day racking my braing what to do for dinner! What are we all eating for dinner in this heat??



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Barry - do you really have salad every day?? Dont u get sick of it? lol

morning patsy & Rosetta. Yes I'm very tempted to get one of these air con units for here at that price. 
As for dinners - I'd happily not bother for myself and just have a bit of quiche of something but OH loves his food!! 

Hello - wasn't around much this morning, busy oiling and cleaning secateurs and other gardening tools. Now I stink of WD40, damned good stuff though.
Ooooh, now you've mentioned quiche I just may pop out and get myself a small one for my tea.
Hope all are having a great day, :)

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Good Morning Early Tuesday Birds!

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