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Flying Ants Day - You Had Yours?

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barry1010 | 16:35 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Animals & Nature
31 Answers

It's a myth that all the winged ants in the country fly on the same day, but ants in the same area tend to.  It is very weather dependent. 

A lot of ants flew on the 17th July in areas of Nottingham but I've escaped so far.  

One year my garden was thick with them, horrible things, but the birds loved them.

Have you seen them this year?  




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The ladybird year was 1976.  It was a very hot summer.  There is a delightful programme about it on CH5 catch up called Heatwave: Summer '76

Ah, I see are just being a smart 'thing'.

always, 😜 I had to double check though:

Thank you, 23J. Yes 1975. 

I will shut up now as this thread is exclusively about ants and I, to my shame, am talking about ladybirds.


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The nest was in the cavity so I don't know what it looked it.

I remember the ladybird swarm in 1995, it nearly ruined a wedding I attended.  Bride was smothered in them, so was the car.


Last year I picking up fallen apples, one had a wasp munching away at it which I didn't see & I got a very bad sting on my hand.

This year, being smart, I used a gardening glove to pick them up ..... but what he didn't know was .....that a vicious German ant was already in the glove & I have now a terribly painful bite on my finger !! 

Sometimes, you just can't win. 😟

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A horsefly has bitten me on the bum.  It's a pain in the backside.

I remember the swarm of ladybirds in 76' I was four on the beach in Blackpool. They were annoying as I were trying to build a sandcastle before everyone went into panic mode.

I still remember the day that my mother's sister dozed in the sunshine only to wake up covered in the wee beasties.

Dear old anty Mary.

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