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Local Cryptic Quiz

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Headwig1091 | 19:08 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Answers are "Places in the UK"

42, D's most likely to give way. (9)

44, Sounds like this place of worship is not in use very often. (10)

45, Scoring shot by boxer could deliver a KO. (7)

46, England cricketer in debt. (9)

47, A  question for Eric's mate. (6)

48, You have a choice on how to cross the river here. (11)

Any help greatly appreciated tia



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47 Askern

44. ? Whit church

48 Ferry bridge

42 D unstable 

46 Halesowen

45 Hitchin?

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Thanks to all who answered the questions I posted, much appreciated.

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