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Rte Guide 32

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Suzie71 | 10:04 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

9 across 

Ah, entire UK about to refer to that embattled country thus 3,7

The ...a.n.

2/22 Across 

Portentous time for Ceaser's decline 4,2,5


5 down

Hardcore punks for dirty harry perhaps would've made his day by the cut of them 9




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2/22 ides of March

5   Skinheads?

9   The Ukraine

9 the ukraine

Please put missing letters with a ?. So 9 would read ???N?e?d? It's easier to read.

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Thank you all, got mental block this week 🙂

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Rte Guide 32

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