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games industry

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dannyday5821 | 04:56 Wed 03rd Sep 2008 | Jobs & Education
7 Answers
this has probably being asked once before - but whats a good way of getting into the games industry? I am a very creative person, and i love playing games! but im more interested in the development of games. Mainly in terms of story lines, back stories, character development, game play ideas, that kind of thing. I went to see a carers advisor at my local collage and to be honest, it was clear she didnt have a clue!

she did mention though that if you send in a CV to a company, sometimes they keep it in their records and can get back to you if any oppotunites come through. Is this actually likley to happen? She also said if i included something like reviewing current games out in the market, that can show that im willing to put in the work. Is that likley to make a difference?

any help appreciated, im really passionate about gaming, and personally think it should be an art form! It would be my dream job, im just sure how best to go about it...


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I've been involved in the development of lots of games and I'd love to help but unfortunately I am middle aged and have no knowledge to impart as you must clearly already know everything.
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oh what is this pick on danny grow up you lot and stop being so childish. Okay so ive made a point that i dont like atleast, what 40% of the population in the UK...your bitter, i understand. ah f uck it, what do i care? i dont care anymore. you win. happy? good. cuz i am.
It�s good to see that maths teachers are still doubling as careers advisors (knowing nothing about the subject) � it was the same in my day, over 30 years ago.

You should have a degree in maths, physics or computing. With the emergence of the games industry, degree courses are available in this very subject (games programming).

Check out this YouTube link.
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