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Good Morning Late Birds!

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Smowball | 09:40 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Sorry for the lateness! Had change of plans yesterday & MIL came to stay overnight whilst FIL had major surgery yesterday, which didn't end up happening till late afternoon. So quick sorting of spare room for her to stay etc etc, plus everything else - got up early, getting ready for Devon tomorrow.... then realised I hadn't checked in on you lot! lol.

Pretty cloudy and humid here, but still v warm. Not sure if we are going to get any of this predicted storm/rain!

Whats your day plans and weather?



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Morning Smow and all.  Rumbling thunder, no rain, too blerdy hot

Good morning Smow, noticeably cooler here today, and rain predicted for later on.
Just meeting my sister for lunch at 1pm, and I may go to the knit & natter - depending what time we finish eating, other than that not much on the cards.
Hope FIL came safely through his op, how long will he be in?
Are yu all packed ready?
Have a good day all :)

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Morning Barry/ferlew.

Not packed at all yet lol - will do it this afternoon! FIL shudnt be in too long I don't think - it was an op to do with his heart (had an aneurism in a vein in groin) but she is checking this morning on how he did overnight. 
definitely a tad cooler. - as it is right now is just perfect!

Morning Smow and everyone. Yes its a bit cooler here today, thank goodness. Hope your FIL's surgery went well. And enjoy your trip to Devon x

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Morning Rosetta,never happy with the weather are we lol! 
And Thanku - am sure he will be fine, he's a tough devil! Looking forward to tomorrow - haven't been on a train journey that long for a very long time!

5.30 a.m. I was woken by a huge noise - like an express train thundering through our house - the rain had arrived --- and how!  It stopped about 20 mins. ago. and it's getting pretty warm and humid now.

Just like to wish everyone (even if you are not fortunate enough to be Yorkshire by birth, marriage or adoption) a very happy Yorkshire Day!!  (Can't find an emoji of a white rose, I'm afraid.  :)  )

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Good Morning Late Birds!

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