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Huw Edwards

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Hopkirk | 23:12 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
24 Answers

The BBC say he would have been dismissed if charged while employed.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty?



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ACAS states an employee can be dismissed if charged of a criminal offence when"the employer has a lawful reason for dismissing – such as conduct, capability and/or performance, redundancy or ‘some other substantial reason.the dismissal is within the range of reasonable responses to the situation in all the circumstances, anda fair procedure is...
23:29 Wed 31st Jul 2024

//The BBC is getting a lot of flack but I don't understand why.//

Good God, really?

Think Saville for a start.

How should the BBC monitor the private lives of its 221000 staff? 

has a lawful reason for dismissing – such as conduct, capability and/or performance, redundancy or ‘some other substantial reason.the dismissal is within the range of reasonable responses

the estate agent who wivva fren' was hugging and taking selfies wivda Chief Medical Officer ( the geek -not JVT - Chris Witty ) was summarily dismissed the next day - I thought it was because he had been employed there for less than 2 y

hey my AB speak is not bad today, innit?

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Huw Edwards

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