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Despite One Or Two 'Iffy Reviews On These Pages....

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Ken4155 | 15:37 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers

....i watched all 4 episodes of Douglas Is Cancelled over the last two nights. And i'm glad i did so. Clever script, well acted and lots of twists and turns.

And, as a bonus, we are kept guessing until the final scene.



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I've got the 4 recorded to watch, Ken.  I need to be in the mood, I think.

I enjoyed it very much, don't want to give any spoilers 

What channel can we watch it on?

The lovely Karen Gillan is always worthy of my eyeballs.

I've recorded it so I can ff the adverts

You can watch it on ITVX

Fabulous. Stephen Moffat's script crackles with subtle and sledgehammer digs at the precious attitudes of media luvvies, and the pointless obsession with Twitface and those who waste time with its nonsense.

If you enjoyed this, try 'Coupling' - equally clever.

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